Drive Electric Week 2015 Hong Kong

About Drive Electric Week

Drive Electric Week, September 12-20, 2015, is an international celebration to heighten awareness of today's widespread availability of plug-in vehicles and highlight the benefits of all-electric and plug-in hybrid-electric cars, trucks, motorcycles, and more. They are fun to drive, are less expensive and more convenient to fuel than gasoline vehicles, are better for the environment, and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

Started in 2011 as National Plug In Day with the simple idea to hold simultaneous events across the USA on the same day, this has now expanded to an entire week of events and changed the name to emphasize the thing we all want to do: drive electric. Drive Electric Week 2015 will again grow to include more events in more cities and countries, with more drivers reaching out to share the many advantages of driving electric with the public.

The Hong Kong 2015 Event

2015 will mark the first year that Hong Kong will participate, and Charged Hong Kong is organising the event here. Due to the unique logistics of Hong Kong, rather than having one single event at one single location, we have decided to distribute the event across the whole week, and to use social media to coordinate and evangelise the message.

We need you, the drivers and owners, to use that week to help us promote the benefits of electric transportation to Hong Kong’s environment (and in particular roadside air quality).

The Hong Kong event will focus on evangelising the benefits of, and driving actual experience with, Electric Vehicles. It is open to all owners of Plug-In Electric Vehicles in Hong Kong. The event will be organised as a ‘game’, with participants receiving points for undertaking categories of tasks.

  1. 5 points for joining and publicising the event
  2. 5 points for giving a Test Ride
  3. 5 points for arranging a Test Drive with an EV car dealer
  4. 5 points for using a public charging station
  5. 10 points for using destination charging facilities
  6. 15 points for attending the event conclusion gathering at Tamarind
  7. 25 points for activities leading to the finalising of the sale of an EV (nonrefundable deposit)

Socially sharing the task (facebook, twitter, Google+, etc), receives double points. To help spread awareness, we encourage all participants to post pictures, videos, and stories, of the tasks they accomplish to help, to their social media.

A maximum of 200 points can be gained, by each participant, in each category 2 through 7, over the entire event. A maximum of 10 points can be gained for category 1 (joining and publicising). Points for a particular task completed can only be allocated to one participant.

The event will run from Saturday 12th September, through Saturday 19th September midnight, with a final gathering and celebration on Sunday 20th. Prizes will be awarded to those participants with the highest number of points gained during the week.

How to join the event

You can join the event by either:

(a) Sharing the Charged Hong Kong Drive Electric Week event on your facebook page (see below for details), or

(b) Go to the driveelectricweek event and register as an attendee:

To help spread the word, we recommend that you do both.

How to Get Credit

You can get social media credit in one of four ways:

  1. Sharing the Charged Hong Kong Drive Electric Week event on your facebook. To do this, simply “Like” the Charged Hong Kong facebook page. Then go to the event page, and click ‘Invite/Share Event’.
  2. Posting a picture/description of your event directly to the @chargedhongkong page on Facebook, remembering to tag yourself so your friends can see.
  3. Using a desktop web browser (sorry, this doesn’t work on mobile clients), tag the @chargedhongkong page with any facebook posting you make about the event. We suggest that for every test ride, public charge, or other such charge, you post a picture and tag to get credit.
  4. Alternatively, you can use Twitter to post about the tasks you accomplish. Remember to include @chargedhk, to spread the word and get credit.

If you do use social media, please help by tagging the photo/story as much as you can. Tag your friends, tag the location. Every bit helps.

You can also eMail us details of what you have done, at

Tamarind Gathering

The Tamarind Gathering is the culmination of the Drive Electric Week (12th through 20th September 2015). This is to celebrate that week with good food, drink, lucky draw prizes for the Drive Electric Week competition, and perhaps a surprise activity or two. Remote Control Roadster and Model S cars will be there for drivers of all ages.

The location will be the Tamarind Restaurant, 2/F., Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Wan Chai.

You can sign-up and find more information here:

Get Involved

Electric Cars are fun to drive, less expensive and more convenient to fuel than gasoline vehicles. Above all, they are better for the environment and for the air we breath. Please help us to use this Drive Electric Week to focus on getting that message out.

We’ll be tallying up the numbers throughout the week, and publishing frequent updates. Let’s all join together to get involved to get the word out to our friends and colleagues in our social and other networks.

Thank you,
Organising team
Drive Electric Week Hong Kong 2015

Small Print / Notes

  • We are conducting this event as EV advocates not car sales people. Please ensure that you don’t do this for reward, commercial gain, or in combination with any referral program.
  • Please also ensure that any activities you conduct are within your own insurance coverage. We recommend against permitting test drives in your own vehicle (instead, refer these to an EV manufacturer).
  • We’ll try to be as flexible and fair as possible, but all decisions of the organising team regarding points awarded are to be considered final and binding.