Charged Hong Kong is proud to announce that InsideEVs has agreed to help promote and sponsor Drive Electric Week 2015 Hong Kong.
As they put it: 'InsideEVs is proud to help promote and sponsor the first Drive Electric Week celebration in Hong Kong, along with event organizer Charged Hong Kong. InsideEVs is currently the largest media outlet on the Internet dedicated solely to promoting electric vehicles, and this event's purpose mirrors our own mission statement to "get the word out" about the benefits of driving an EV.'
Mark Webb-Johnson, chairman of Charged Hong Kong, commented that 'it is with the help of organisations such as InsideEVs that we can spread the word about the benefits of driving and owning Electric Vehicles. We are particularly thankful for InsideEVs international outlook in such promotional efforts. This week's focus on social media and sharing the good news about EVs in Hong Kong is providing to be incredibly powerful, and the publicity provided by InsideEVs is helping to leverage that good work.'
Drive Electric Week is presented by Plug In America, Sierra Club, and Electric Auto Association. The Hong Kong event in 2015 is organised by Charged Hong Kong.